Welcome To Our Organisation

Rama NGO Service for integration with helping hand

About Our Organisation

Welcome to Rama NGO, where we are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of individuals and communities around the world. Our journey began with a vision to address pressing social issues and create lasting change through compassion, innovation, and collaboration. At Rama NGO, we believe that every person deserves access to basic necessities, education, healthcare, and opportunities for growth. With this belief at our core, we work tirelessly to empower marginalized communities, uplift the underprivileged, and advocate for equality and justice for all. Our team is comprised of passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds, united by a common goal: to make the world a better place. Through our collective expertise, dedication, and unwavering commitment, we strive to implement sustainable solutions that address the root causes of poverty, inequality, and injustice. From providing emergency relief in times of crisis to implementing long-term development projects, we are actively engaged in various initiatives that touch the lives of countless individuals. Whether it's building schools, promoting healthcare awareness, or empowering women and children, we are dedicated to creating meaningful change that has a lasting impact.

Transparency, integrity, and accountability are the cornerstones of our organization. We believe in being transparent about our actions, accountable for our decisions, and accountable to the communities we serve. By maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct, we ensure that every donation and resource entrusted to us is used efficiently and effectively to maximize its impact. None of our work would be possible without the generous support of our donors, partners, volunteers, and supporters. Together, we are a force for good, and together, we can create a brighter, more equitable future for generations to come. Join us in our mission to build a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can change lives. Welcome to Rama NGO.

Organisational structure

RAMA System believes in multiplying its efforts through collaboration & partnerships that bring together government, non-government, and corporate in a collaborative process for socio-economic development, improving agriculture, environment, health, and women empowerment. Rama System puts a lot of emphasis on upgrading the skills and capacities of its staff. For this purpose, need-based training is regularly organized


We aim to create a development revolution for the marginalized and socio-economically weaker sections of society.


Our mission is the creation of such a society where nobody is deprived of the main current of development. We are determined for the establishment of that society in which everybody possesses ‘Human rights’ with dignity.